
Stephen Hunt is a serial entrepreneur who created his first company when he was 24 years old (a not-for-profit charity to tackle HIV/AIDS education).
An accomplished musician, Stephen played music to pay the rent before pioneering online video advertising in the Australian market, through two successful startups. His passion for music led him to a senior role in the world’s biggest music company (Universal Music Group) where he met his future co-founder, Nicc Johnson. Together they decided to transform healthcare with music – and founded Music Health in 2020.
Stephen’s grandfather battled Alzheimer’s disease, an experience that has informed the creation of Vera – the world’s first music companion for dementia caregivers. Singing familiar songs does incredible things for people with dementia and Stephen regularly sings with Robert Tericher’s Memory Lane Choir which meets every fortnight to socialise around the joy of music.
“As a teenager, I watched my grandfather slowly slip away at the hands of Alzheimer’s and more recently supported my grandmother through dementia before she passed. I inherently knew how much music helped lift their moods and make them sparkle back to life when I visited them but never understood why until I met Nicc (founder of Music Health). Now that I understand the science and have seen first hand the amazing impact the right music can have on people living with dementia, I can’t think of a better use of my time and energy than seeing Vera widely deployed around the world making music as a therapy universally available to those who need it.”